Saturday, April 11, 2020

Grammar-Fail Tiebreaker The Votes are in! - The Writers For Hire

GRAMMAR-FAIL TIEBREAKER: THE VOTES ARE IN! Thanks to everyone who voted for a second-place winner. The votes are in, and wed like to congratulate Charlotte P. for taking second place (and for scoring a $25 gift card)! Charlotte submitted this photo of a wearable grammar fail (Free hugs for qualifed candidates): So, this brings our first-ever grammar-fail photo contest to an end. Congrats again to our winners and thanks again to everyone who submitted photos, left comments, and voted for their favorite photo. And of course, if you find any more awesome grammar fail photos, send em our way! Unfortunately, we cant offer prizes, but we can post your photo and give you a shout-out on our website. Thanks guys!